
I really enjoyed this assignment, to color splash a photo.  It was super simple in execution, so it made me think a little harder about the message I wanted to share through the use of the technique.  I used a website called Fotor to edit my image.  Before selecting my image, I went to the site to check out the tools and maybe play around with it. On the color splash section, there was a sample image of a bride and groom in black and white with the bride’s bouquet in a pop of color.  I was inspired – I’ll use a wedding photo!  At first I thought of doing something similar and highlighting my bouquet but I decided I could do a little better than that.  The photo I chose is of my husband’s jacket that is a part of his Army Dress Blue uniform.  It’s a gorgeous photo and in just a flash it captured 10 years worth of military accomplishments.  There are medals for completing Ranger School and Air Assault school, a Combat Action Badge for having served in combat, and various other medals earned at home or during his two tours overseas.  If you’re interested, you can take a look at some of the medals and what they mean here. This jacket tells the story of his entire military career and all the things he did in service to the United States.

Using the Fotor site was really easy.  I uploaded my image and it automatically turned the image to black and white and then I used a little tool to ‘rub off’ the black and white to expose color.  So easy to do but I think the result is powerful – at least to me anyway.  I feel that it draws well deserved attention to the hard earned medals from 10 years of service to our country.

Visual Assign 2


2 thoughts on “Medals

  1. This is totally a powerful image– it’s less about the technique and more about the thinking behind it for me. Rather than something done just to play, you chose an image that has meaning for you.

    This works well on many levels to highlight such small symbols (in scale of their size) that represent such huge accomplishments, and the effect really makes them stand out.

    My question is what does your husband think of the image?

    • Thank you! And you know, I showed my husband the color splashed image and his response was “oh that’s cool.” I guess that speaks to his humility. I was way more impressed about it than he was!

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